Sunday, 18 August 2013

Fab Five for educators of visually impaired students

If you are an innovative educator that works with, or knows someone who works with visually impaired students, Twitter can connect you to amazing resources and Tweeps.  Here are five accounts to follow, five hashtags, and five chats.

Fab Five to Follow on Twitter
  1. Fred's Head from APH ‏@fredshead
    Fred's Head, from the American Printing House for the Blind, contains tips and resources for and by blind and visually impaired people.  Louisville, Kentucky.  
  2. Braille Institute ‏ @BrailleInst
    For nearly a century, Braille Institute has helped visually impaired people adapt to sight loss and lead rich, fulfilling lives. Los Angeles, California ·
  3. Perkins eLearning@perkins_elearn
    A finger on the pulse of Perkins, providing education and services for children and adults around the world who are blind, deafblind, or visually impaired. Watertown, Mass. and Worldwide ·
  4. A11Y Project ‏@A11YProject
    A community-driven effort to make web accessibility easier.
  5. Bookshare@Bookshare
    Making the world of print accessible to people with disabilities. Palo Alto, CA,

Fab Five Hashtags

Fab Five Chats
Chat hashtag
Special Education PLC
9 - 10 pm CST on Sundays
Inclusive Education Chat
9-10pm EST on Thursdays

Conversation around Learning Disabilities
12-1pm EST on Wednesdays
Special Education Chat
4-5pm EST on Wednesdays
The Coffee Klatch
(for parents of special needs students)
9-10 pm EST on Sundays

Do you use Twitter and work with visually impaired students?  Who do you follow? What hashtags do you use?


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