Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Inspiring story of social media giving @CarlysVoice a #StuVoice

Carly Fleischmann hadn't communicated with many people before she started using social media. That is because Carly doesn't speak. Today however, social media has opened the door to give this very social young lady access to connecting with tens of thousands of people around the world. 

In the video below, Carly shares, "The moment when I typed on social media for the first time a sense of belonging and a feeling of being heard came over me. I was surprised how I was now a part of society in a social way. It has brought me out of my shell and allowed me to help people learn about autism straight from the horse's mouth."

Social media is an amazing tool to give us a voice, allow us to share our stories, and connect to others.  How are using using social media to open up doors to the students with whom you work?
Get social!
-->Follow Carly on Twitter at 
-->Like her Facebook page at 

Consider this...
How can you use Carly's social media presence as a model for the students with whom you work?


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