Sunday, 6 July 2014

The future is in their hands: Using cell phones for literacy - Free book!

Willyn Webb and I contributed to the International Society of Technology Educators (ISTE) Literacy Journal. The journal features innovative ways to enhance learning with technology. Our chapter is called, "The future is in their hands: Using cell phones for literacy learning. Unlike other journals, there is no pay wall to access the journal. It is available free!

Here is what you'll find in the journal:

Table of Contents Forward 
 Editor, Mark Gura Page 4 

 Text Meets Video in the Blogosphere: Complex Informational Content for Today’s Students 
by Dr. Rose Reissman Page 6 

 Using Creative Technology to Engage Struggling Readers and Writers as Producers of Literature 
by Melinda Kolk Page 12 

 The Future Is In Their Hands: Using Cell Phones for Literacy Learning 
by Lisa Nielsen and Willyn Webb Page 21  

 Boosting Oral Language Fluency through Technology Intensive Literature Exploration (TILE), a Learning Centers Approach 
by Kevin Amboe Page 32 

 Learning to Teach with Edmodo: Social Networking-based Activities 
by Kathy D. Shields Page 44 

 Using Online Discussions to Develop Literacy Skills and Integrate the NETs
by Sandra Wozniak Page 54 

 Student Led Podcast Projects Make Common Core Literacy skills Come Alive
by Dr. Rose Reissman Page 64 

 Using Technology To Enhance Reading Skills For English Language Learners
by Kimberly M. Thomas Page 74

Interested? You can check out the journal below. Version: or Download as PDF (requires free registration) scribd


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