Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Superstorm Sandy Blows innovation through NYC schools

Hurricane Katrina brought rise to charter schools in New Orleans and it looks like Superstorm Sandy is bringing rise to online learning in New York City.  

Celine Azoulay, Executive Director of iLearnNYC is thrilled to be able to support New York City’s secondary school children who have been displaced from their homes or reassigned with 21st century learning opportunities. 

The iZone worked diligently to put a full plan in place to offer this to NYC students through iLearnNYC, an extension of the NYC Department of Education’s iZone.  Azoulay, who has been working on this online learning initiative since its inception in 2010, has worked with her team to put a full course load of offerings in place that includes core subject areas and electives including economics, calculus, and foreign language.  Teachers experienced in online learning will teach the courses.

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