Friday, 1 March 2013

Children of the Core: American Students at Risk

Guest post by Kris L. Nielsen

There are innovative educators in thousands of classrooms all across America.  I have talked to many of them.  They are frustrated because the policies put in place by Race to the Top are strangling their drive and desire to be the innovative class leaders they grew to be.  Even worse, the Common Core State Standards, by design, have squelched the ability to allow students to be creative and innovative themselves.

This is why I wrote Children of the Core.  We--parents, students, and teachers--were promised a revolutionary new system that would narrow the achievement gaps in reading and math, create environments for deeper and critical thinking, and prepare our students for life, career, and college.  What we’re finding is that none of this is true.  It’s all totally opposite.  

Children of the Core was written with parents in mind, and with students as the inspiration. Teachers need allies in the fight to save our public schools.  Parents need allies in the fight to save our kids’ futures.  And, most important, students need all of us to be willing to stand up for them and tell the corporate education reformers and government leaders that they can’t treat us this way.

This is my first release.  Thank you for reading, and please leave honest ratings and feedback.  It will help me make my next release even better.


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