Guest post by Adam Bellow
With so many demands on a teacher’s limited time and a growing number of frameworks and standards being introduced that can increase demands even further, many educators have looked to digital tools as a way to help them make the most efficient use of their time as they strive to be even more effective at the craft of teaching.
Social media, a somewhat broad and nebulous term that refers to digital tools that allow people to create, publish, share, and exchange information and ideas, is not new. Websites and resources have played an important role to help connect educators from around the world to team up and discuss, share ideas, and resources all relating to education.
As access to high speed Internet spreads and smartphones become more and more a part of our lives, these networks have taken on a larger job in helping redefine the role of the educator and student. Educators and students are not roles defined by age or where a desk is placed in the classroom. We are all learners and social media allows all people to be respected and celebrated for what they create and share.
eduClipper is a social web tool that was born from need to address several issues that educators and students are facing today both in and out of the classroom. It was designed by Adam Bellow, an educational technologist who spent six years as a classroom teacher before becoming a technology training specialist and then technology director. eduClipper was specifically created for the educators and students in K-12.
Because it was designed by an educator and specifically for the K-12 space, the tool has many unique education features that support educators and align nicely to Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching. Danielson’s Framework consists of 22 components broken into 4 Domains. eduClipper complements many of the ideas that Danielson proposes in order to promote teacher effectiveness and professional learning.
Here are just a few of the main features of eduClipper
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