Friday, 4 October 2013

5 ideas for #ConnectedEducators to connect students #CE13

This piece was originally posted last year in SmartBlog on Education in Ideas that WorkSocial Media in Education as part of Connected Educator Month. This takes place this year in October. The U.S. Department of Education’s Connected Educators initiative seeks to celebrate and encourage educators at all levels to collaborate and participate in online learning resources and communities. This piece  is just as relevant today, as it was last year when it was written to support this initiative.

Unlike their parents, today’s students can communicate, collaborate, cooperate, and connect with the world in meaningful ways that were never before possible. It is incumbent upon educators to support students in doing this effectively in order to empower them to do work that will not only lead them to personal success, but is also worthy of the world.
So, how can educators do this?

Here are five ways to help your students get connected:
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