Sunday, 1 December 2013

10 ways to get more likes and engage members on your Facebook page

So, you’ve started a Facebook page. Congrats! However, Facebook is no fun unless there are others there with you. Here are ten things you can do to drive members to your Facebook page today.

  1. Invite people to like your page Go to the top right side of your page where it says “Friends.” Under that it says “Invite your friends to like this page.” Select “See All.” This allows you to invite friends based on “Recent Interaction,” “location,” or a group to which they belong.  Ask others to do the same.
  2. Update your username When you update your page username, you give it a clean name free of hyphens and a number string. Do this by visiting and giving the page you select the name you’d like.
    You can go from this:
    to this
I want more »


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