Monday, 16 December 2013

The Innovative Educator Hosts Tonight’s #SSchat (December 16)

If you are a social studies teacher, librarian or tech teacher who infuses social studies and current events into your work, or a teacher of another subject that incorporates social studies into your lessons, then I hope you’ll join me at 7 p.m. EST tonight for  #sschat. During this conversation the topic will be "Enriching social studies with social media."

For those who don't know what #SSchat is, here's a description:
#SSchat is a collaborative group of social studies teachers who work together to create materials, discuss teaching, integrate technology and problem solve. We learn together and talk about the direction that education is moving, talk to experts, crowdsource materials and share our best lessons. In the last two years a culture of sharing has developed. Imagine if some of the most passionate teachers you know were to get together and share the best materials they have. That’s #sschat.-@ShawnMcCusker, Go Where You Grow.
The following were the questions for the #SSchat:
Q1 Share 1 way social media helped you become a better #SSteacher?
Q2 How has/can social media helped your students make global connections?
Q3 Share 1 cool thing you have done with students in social studies class using social media?
Q4 How can we use social media to increase the effectiveness of #SSteachers?
Q5 What are your hopes or fears about using social media with students?

If you missed it, you can check out a recap on the Storify below:


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