Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Five ways to connect with parents using Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere provides a terrific way to capture the thoughts, ideas, and opinions of parents. Simply set up a multiple choice or free response poll, text parents the code, and have them text in their answers like they do on shows like American Idol.

Poll Everywhere provides a quick and easy way to give parents a voice and a vote.  Some ideas for using it include the following.

  • 1) Back-to-School engagement
  • Eric Sheninger, principal of New Milford High School in New Jersey suggests using Poll Everywhere during back to school nights. He says it’s a great way to elicit feedback during budget presentations, or to secure real-time input on school initiatives.
  • 2) QuizzesLaura Spencer, an instructional technology coordinator for a K-8 school district in San Diego suggests using Poll Everywhere to 'quiz' parents on topics taught in school. Students enjoy comparing their responses to their parents.
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