Thursday, 5 September 2013

From BadAss to Batty. Activist teachers lose progressive focus.

You may have heard of the Badass Teachers group. Back in June they started a recruiting campaign and used questionable practices to put 25,000 members in their group very quickly. The group had promising beginnings.  It was started by Mark Naison a progressive college professor and a homeschooling mom who connected in a group that explores alternatives to traditional public school education.

It was formed for reasons that resonated with many teachers, students, and parents.

  • "This is for every teacher who refuses to be blamed for the failure of our society to erase poverty and inequality, and refuses to accept assessments, tests and evaluations imposed by those who have contempt for real teaching and learning"

And, they seemed open to supporting all those who had the best interests of children at heart.  
  • “We are a rich and diverse group of education professionals and concerned citizens/families. We encourage dialogue about many hot-button issues. Page administrators reserve the right to DELETE comments, threads, and (if necessary) individuals from the group that do not engage in respectful civil discourse”

They supported home educators too.  
  • Badass Teachers Association supports the choice that homeschool parents make, and commends those who are savvy enough to realize that our fight is their fight.

However, not long after their badass beginnings, things started getting a little batty and their rapid growth, quickly plateaued. It’s no surprise their numbers remain stagnant nearly three months later as a result of the baiting and switching of  the group’s initial focus to one with some extremely batty ideas.

The transformation from badass to batty
I want more »


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